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Autosampler Vial for Laboratory Analysis

Aijiren produces Autosampler Vial for laboratory chromatographic analysis. Autosampler Vials is usually suitable for autosamplers. Therefore, the specifications for Autosampelr Vials are very strict. Few pieces of sweat will affect the experiment. Aijiren guarantees the use of uniform molds. Uniform high-quality materials to ensure that the specifications of the same batch of Autosampler Vial are consistent, and strict quality inspection standards also ensure the quality of Aijiren’s products.

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For instruments the autosampler vials size and volume tolerance is very important, If the volume tolerance of sampler vial is too big, it will influence the vial capacity, especially the precious sampler. Aijiren Inc. have strict rules with sampler vial size and volume tolerance in all Produce Line, so that make sure all sampler vials and seals accuracy. Here we make a sheet for some usual questions and influence of unsuitable HPLC/GC vials, hope it could help you to learn more about Chromatography consumables.  
Usual Questions Influence
Inconsistent thickness of vial bottom 1. Inconsistent sample draws; 2. Damage to injection needle
Autosampler sequence stopped 1. Missed or dropped sampler vials; 2. Loss of precious samples
Poor tightness and cannot be detected 1. Sample loss and volatility; 2. Sample is contaminated
The septum is shifted or misaligned 1. Sample lost; 2. Sample is contaminated
Cap septa are contaminated Ghost peak
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